Saturday 28 May 2016

The Bull And Bear And Bird

Hi again

There are certain items in the house which I unintentionally will often take to use over others. Take for example this coffee mug.

Instant coffee in a bull n bear mug with nasi lemak daun pisang
a well liked combination

Whenever I look at this mug it reminds me of my involvement dabbling in shares.

I am no big time investor and as you can more or less guess from reading my blog I am just an ordinary woman living an ordinary life. Or less than ordinary with my conservative world view and mundane life and yet trying to keep pace with the modern world and of course trying to make what life left in me, interesting while still very much clinging to the past.

The euphoria of the stock market in the nineteen nineties drawn me to join the crowd. The lure of easy money made me part with a subtantial portion of my saving. Without knowledge on market price and valuations I just follow the herd.

In the beginning it was real. Profits made was additional income and adding that to my salary I felt life was at last a little easier.

It allowed me to have some extras.

I could afford to equipt my children with the sporting gears which I thought was best. I did not want my children to be defeated even when the game had not begun. So have the best rackets, shoes and clothings and other things that could boost their ego and confidence and to get them charged up for the match.

Do I sound like a kiasu ha ha.

I knew those things helped but it was more of their determination and love for the sport was what really made them win.

But nobody can deny that money can get things moving.

There was so much happy talk about the market. Many people at the time were smiling and were laughing their way to the bank. Many individuals were giving investment talks and there were some offered their service as fund managers and consultants so you can consult and allow them to hold your money and they could maximise profits for you. Lucky I did not buy their talk cock. Those who did took a long time to get out of depression.

Because soon after due to upheavels in the economic world the market index fell from the peak into a deep ravine and most and in fact all the share prices plumetted and everything plunged and burst.

Many people had their fingers burnt.

Me included. Some felt shy to admit. Because they talked big, talked like clever people advising everybody before that. Hah now?

And sometimes while clearing and uncluttering my house I come across some old bussiness magazines. I have read them before and had believed what the magazine said. How wrong were those investment savvy people. Now after many years when I read it again it makes me laugh.

I still hold a porfolio (a humble one) now but it is littered here and there with non performing penny stocks. Even to get rid of them will cost me money. Some has been delisted but still appear in my account. I think its ok for it to be there so it will keep reminding me not to repeat the same folly.

Due to the shocking experience I should have stopped it all but I like the excitement of involving in buying and selling. I still do but in my very small way and with small limited fund. Excited to watch the graph rising and I shudder at the graph falling. Have something to look forward to. And hoping.

I have become too careful and sometimes fearful very often missing the opportunity to make when selling at the wrong time. But I keep telling myself a little gain or gettting back your money is better than a loss but stubborness in me can turn the gain into loss. Huhhhh.

I like to go on the many investment forums on the net and read the comments there. There were expressions of joy and despair. The self made gurus and consultants are giving free advice. Also squabling among themselves in the virtual world but sometimes I feel they are right there in front . But most time they will make me smile. They are, yes, clever people but many are still so young I guess.

After so many years I still have not improved. If I were I would be wealthy by now and enjoying holidays in some great destinations. But no I am just here and make do with a holiday at home with this camera. Suffice for the simple me. Ok take photos.

Such a tiny bird

Frontal view

This is a different individual no red patch on the head

This has more color and it was making monosyllable sound

The bird is barbet same as here

Ok for now will be back for another entry.

Be happy . . .

Bye . . .

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