Tuesday, 28 February 2017


Hello everybody

I have been living in this semi rural area for many years already and I still like this place and won't trade it for any other. It is scenic quiet and peaceful  . . . and the living cost is affordable if the little money you have is wisely spent because things are really not cheap either. The basics, the everyday ordinary things are readily available but not the upmarket branded items like sports shoes. If you want them you got to go find in other places.

My man needed a pair of running shoes to replace the one that he was using. It was me who was fussing over the matter. For him it didn't matter though he complained that he could feel the ground underneath when walking or jogging especially when he went off road . So before him getting more bodily pain it was better to change the shoes.

Worn out shoes increase your risk of falling. The thinning undersole can make you slip. The lost of cushioning effect in the soles can cause heel pain or joint pain and it can influence the stability of your posture. At this age the layer of fat on the sole of your feet is thinning and badly worn out shoes can give you cranky feet. A calcaneum spur can make you go meroyan .

So last weekend we went to a big shopping mall. After a 15-minute drive from our transit home we were already there. It was still quite early so we  had the luxury of choosing the parking lot. Very seldom you can park right there nearest to the entrance. The early bird catches the worms, I saw our 'chauffeur' smiling.

Inside the mall I felt we were like country bumpkins. If left on our own we could get lost. It was huge to our standard to us the rural folks. At the same time we were a little scared the place looked expensive . . . do you have enough money?

Our purpose was to buy a pair of running/walking shoes.

Our girl brought us to a sports outlet.

We gawked at the rows and rows of shoes. Good stuff. So smart looking. So stylish.

I think our eyes pop out at the price tags.

Why wouldn't we opt for the ordinary shoes which can be bought in the small shoe shop back in our small town. So much cheaper. Thinking about it I nearly wanted to retreat. But then . . .

We old people also have eyes for all things stylish and up to date . And so this hebat looking shoes was a must buy. Don't think too much about the price doesn't good quality come with expensive tags?

The process of buying shoes is not exciting at all. You got to try so many pairs to find one which gives the the perfect fit. You do not want blisters or joint pain later. So try and try until you are satisfied. Then when you found one you feel you don't like the colour. You ask for another pair to try in the end you still don't feel right. The salesman will suggest a different brand. You try again . . . and after fighting with yourself over which to choose finally you make the purchase. I thought I heard the salesman let go a sigh . . .

Walking in the mall such as this you got to have a strong will not to let yourself succumb to temptations. Temptations to buy.There were so many things you thought you want to buy. You can get crazy looking at the array of things displayed. They can easily make you part with your money.

But then why go to the shopping mall if you don't want to spend. Just for window shopping?

It is a place for a shopping spree. Look at those young people. They look so wealthy and stylish, buying and spending like nobody's bussiness. Look at their shopping bags. They are full of expensive items which they bought confidently with the swipe of their plastic cards. See how busy the cashiers were at the counter processing the payment.. The cashier has no time to wait for you to count your coins. Nevertheless they have to entertain us old people who prefer to pay with cold hard cash.

Just a half day outing at the mall the amount of  money spent made me feel guilty even though most of it was paid by our girl. The next time I want to get things I think I just need to go to the old rundown shophouse in our small town.

Or if you sayang your money and don't want to spend at all then just sit back and watch the world passes you by . . .

Here they come with trailing colours

Passes over us 

And off they go 

As we watch . . .

Happy shopping.

Till the next entry , bye . . .

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