Friday 5 April 2024



Its now Ramadhan again. How many Ramadhan have i been through. Countless. But then there is a number  attached to my name in the ID. How do one feels when seeing knowing the number. For me it doesn't matter. Age is just a number they say.

Looking back life has been good for me though not really that good. Cause may be i am not living the way i wish to. 

But then its ok, so grateful all this while that i am blessed with good health and  so are the people closest to me. Life has been kind. 

My other half is fit and back to normal after a surgery. The more than 6 inches surgical scars on his abdomen reminds us the trying time we had.2 years ago the time has elapsed i have been away from this blog. In more than two years this will only be my second entry.

In a few days time we will be celebrating Hari Raya ....the excitement of yesteryears is not really there. I have not done much preparations. My grandchildren are no more playful kids. Two are already into their twenties, two teenagers except and one late comer Adli just celebrated his fifth birthday.My two children are already in their forties. My husband and me hmm you can guess.

Hey no is still good. I am waiting when this puasa is over i am going to lift my tennis racket again. Just got a new racket and I am going to swing it again in the court. As long as this legs can carry my body i'll be there.

All these years besides tennis gardening is my therapy. The same old garden area but the trees have grown older. The cempaka now looks limp in the dry season. The dukong has grown taller than the house but no fruits.I keep it for shade. The belimbing buluh i think will soon die in contrast the kedondong is happily flowering. My garden is growing old with me.

My other hobby swimming is at a stand still. Before, I thought I will never stop swimming but since covic 19 struck I have not been to the pool except for once or twice.

Now most of my time is spent at the keyboard. I find it very satisfyng after getting to play a song correctly. But at times i feel i am pushing myself too hard trying to learn too much and to keep up with the demand which i promise myself to upload my youtube channel fortnightly.

You might say why i tread into young people's world of socmed. Why not if that can make you feel relevant.

I stop here till my next entry.

Welcome to my youtbe channel @halizma's keyboardnovice

This is one of my youtube postings. There are more videos. Enjoy and thanks for support. 


Till then.

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