Monday 29 October 2018

Pictures From Abroad


After the weekend I kind of feel hollow today. Monday feels quiet. Feeling not in the best of mood. Perhaps because I have cut down the coffee in my morning drinks. Hope today the weather won't be in the sombre mood too.

It was a different scenario altogether during the weekend. I was fully occupied, not really to say it was busy but doing parental duties as well as sharing time with friends make life more meaningful.

We went to Putrajaya on Friday afternoon. Then very early Saturday morning I was already sitting in the car on the way to the airport to send off my girl who was going to a faraway place. Then back to the transit home. After tidying up the house traveled back to our home. 

We attended to a wedding invitation that Saturday afternoon. Got to spend some time there, not just vanishing after the wedding lunch, have to respect the host and there were friends and acquaintances to mingle. Chit chatting over a bowl of the famous cendol songkok tinggi makes you forget the time.

The Pengantin procession arriving

Early evening a friend called me up for tennis. Of course! Okay!

Had a very enjoyable game, a mixed double. But my mind was still thinking about my girl. While here I was playing and enjoying my daughter was still high up there crossing the Pacific Ocean. For many hours she would be stuck there in the seat. She would only be reaching her destination when I  in my deep sleep.

Again on Sunday, attended another wedding invitation. Met some old time friends and had long chat with them because we have lots of stories to share after not having met for so long.

In the evening another friend called. Tennis again. Why would I decline, tennis is a game I love and it feels good to be wanted. So we played until the sun went down.

The full hooray of the weekend makes today a non-event.

Don't let quiet days dampen our spirit. Do something to bring back the good feel.

Let's share some scenery pictures sent to my phone.


See you next entry.


  1. Memang ada kalanya bila mood lembab melanda apa nak buat pun rasa tak kena. Waktu waktu begini perkara yang paling benci untuk saya bangun buat ialah masak.

    1. Memasak sudah menjadi satu rutin. Kadang kadang ini lah yang menambahkan lagi mood lembab :))

  2. An interesting and well-written post. Apparently you are missing your daughter. Perhaps you can fly with her next time! Ha ha! Are those beautiful pictures sent by your daughter fron abroad?

    1. Thanks.
      Ya the love ones are always on our minds.

  3. Cantiknya scenery Sana especially gambar burung yg first Tu. Tgk 2 Kali ingatkan lukisan

  4. San Francisco's most crooked street? Brings back some memories... great!

    1. Haa . . . it jogs your memory. I'm glad to have uploaded those pictures.

  5. Hurmm... cendol songkok tinggi yummy!
    Nice scenery.
    Asyiknya kalau dapat tengok sea lion tu dekat-dekat sejenis makhluk comel ada misai macam kucing hiks!

    1. Tentu lah asyik, pergerakan nya sangat fluid. Sea lion pandai berenang macam macam style :))
