Though the prolonged MCO is making me feel lethargic by the day, I cannot allow my mood to slide. That can make my time go to waste. I try to be productive. I spend a lot of time in doing up my garden albeit doing work at snail speed.
Tried a makeover for the garden but I don't have a proper plan. Haah whatever for, the area is just small . . . just aim to make it look big 😊
Now my garden look more spacious.
I have pushed the plants and flower pots to the side and let the centre be occupied by grass. Its quite a hard work removing the plants which have rooted quite deep into the ground. Some how I could do without anybody's help.
See this big pot. It houses a tall hibiscus, the roots dig through into the ground. I managed to move it 💪💪.
The grass is growing quite fast but there are still some bare spots. I have put more garden soil over the area hoping the grass will spread there in search of nutrients. Hope the whole centre area will turn green like a carpet. No, its not carpet grass. It is just the humble cow grass but they look nice when properly trim and stay short.
Of course I don't cut them with scisors. I have bought a grass cutter like this. No battery, no electricity. No need maintenace. So convenient. Good enough for my small lawn. Now the grass has no chance to grow high. Can't wait to cut them. Good exercise you know pushing that thing.
I like the changes I made but I thought better if I could replace some of the flower pots. Some bought from ancient time you can imagine how they look. But then I can't do it now . The nursary where I used to get my garden supplies is closed due to the MCO. Look like I have to scrub them. Theres plenty of time to even scrub the flower pots . . .
At times my work will be interupted by the little creatures. Sometimes you are not aware, nearly come to touching 😮them but the catterpillar won't give a hoot to my squeal it will just continue chomping the young green leaves . . . who cares . . .
The other day someone sold me 2 sacks of garden soil mixed with cowdung and a sack of cocoa peat. I have repotted some plants using this soil and they are happily growing now. Hope they maintain the healthy growth.
The grass is getting thicker and so green. Must be that cowdung . . .
Nice little lawn I have now. Little Adli can play here when he balik kampung.
Wonder when will they open the state border. . . how long more this crisis will last. Will it take many more months . . . or years . . .
Hope not when it is over and they finally free us the little lawn would be too small for Adli to romp around. Children grow fast., don't they.
Happy gardening.