Sunday 8 September 2019

"They Call Me Mama Blues"

You can see me today
tomorrow, every day
I am always around here, there
But no one would bother
a person fated to serve no purpose

Some have known me for years
see me only with glancing eyes
they veered to the side
if I ever stray 
on to their way

Some naughty and tried to flirt
but has stopped as my hair already turned white

I am bad if I don't give credit
to the compassionate
who hands me one, two ringgit
though our eyes don't meet

I see through my insanity 
that most lack empathy
those that joke and tease
and called me names

If only they knew
if only they care to look deep into my eyes
perhaps they could read
the long sad chapter that is my life


  1. Hmm... must see the issue with loads of compassion. Good reminder, meintheswim :)

    1. It's very unfortunate cases like this seldom can reverse.

  2. Sekilas pandangan mata tidak memberi sebarang cerita jika bibir tak bersuara meluah perasaanya.
    Manusia selalu menilai melalui pandangannya saja dari pergi bertanya kabar.

    1. Selalunya kita pandang kasihan sahaja kes yang begini tetapi tidak dapat berbuat apa apa selain memberi sedikit pertolongan apabila terserempak.

  3. Replies
    1. Betul, adakala kita tidak tahu apa cerita sebalik nasib buruk seseorang.

  4. Macam sedihnya.. hope u are doing ok

    1. Tiap kali terjumpa wanita malang ini teringat kisah sedih beliau.

      Me ok, thanks
