Monday 3 August 2020

I've Been Busy


Works on house repairs, home improvement, or upgrading say, the bath is something you hate but paradoxically what you want it done. 

You hate to have to live with the debris and the dust in the air but you can't wait to see the transformation, the gleaming new tiles, and the sparkling white of the new fixures. Though you were quite comfortable with the old, you would usually think that the new is always better. It surely put a dent in your budget but you would somehow justify it.

Of course, some work really needs to be done. It really is a relief when torrential rain comes and the roof is not leaking anymore. That leaking roof was what triggers the whole thing. I find that usually, construction contractors won't layan for minor works it is not worth their time. We consumers sometimes have no choice. 

At first, I was quite hesitant about doing the changes but then I think home improvement should be done from time to time. That life should be as comfortable as can be afforded.

There was quite a lot of work that involves the hacking of the floor and tearing down of the old wall tiles and dismantling of the existing fixtures. Then the floor, wall, and ceiling were rebuilt, so were the plumbing and the electrical wiring, and the fixtures replaced. The work seems easy enough but definitely is physically tough.

They were busy working on the project. I was busy too, everyday cleaning and mopping. 

The whole work took nearly three weeks and that explains the quietness here. Also, Adli and entourage came back to celebrate the Hari Raya Aidiladha here and much of my time was devoted to the family.

This is the second time after the MCO we manage to be together. This time the Hari Raya Haji was celebrated with much more fervor than the last Hari Raya Puasa when we as a family couldn't be together because of travel restriction during the time.

Anyway, still cautious of the COVID, we just enjoy ourselves at home and avoid going out. Not even going for a beach walk. Adli has not been taken out to the beach yet. Heard that the beach was full of people. Physical distancing would be hard to observe. Maybe we take him there when it is safe to do so later.

He was happy enough to play in the garden. My garden is quite messy but there is still space for them to play and the place is cool even in the afternoon as there are big trees to give shelter. Adli loves to walk on the grass and curiosity makes him want to grasp the leaves and pull the plants. Adelia too loves to spend time here and so are we the adults.

Cempaka tree is flowering and fruiting. 

A belated Selamat Aidiladha from me.



  1. Nyamannya laman rumah hijau Dan subur

  2. Saya pun kebun messy habis...tak tau nak mula kat mana.Hampir 4 bulan terbiar.

    1. Kebun Mala besar dan banyak tanaman kalau tertinggal lama mesti serba salah apa yang nak di dulukan
