Saturday 13 April 2019

Garden Of My Dream

Hi friends,

I came home after more than two weeks of absence. I am happy to see most of my plants are ok. There must be some rain otherwise . . . 

Some plants are flowering. The amaryllis flowers have withered but there are many more new buds. 

The plumbagos are happily flowering though not so lush.

The white orchid with the orange tinge is really long lasting, a few more blooms that are still there are fresh.

The kesidang climber blooms on the top of the mulberry tree and the kemangi is also blooming and spreading its sweet scents.

The anthuriums are ever faithfully blooming and so does the dancing ladies.

The hibiscus? :-( . . but it's ok.

The overall look makes me happy but of course, the garden is nothing like what my dream garden is. And I know I can never achieve what I want as my garden area is small and my budget is humble. And worst is I am not knowledgeable and hence not so good a gardener :) But it is no harm to be engrossed in dreaming, right?

Pictures below are not of my garden. 

These pictures are from my phone, sent from this place. (Thanks M for the pictures.)

Dear readers hope you enjoy this entry.

Bye for now.

Saturday 6 April 2019

Sunning On The Tree Top

Hi friends

Continuing from the last post, picture viewing with Adelia.

The pictures below were shot on the same morning. 

We have to look up, down and everywhere in order to sight the birds. Most of the time they were out of sight, hidden by the foliage. You know they are there because you can hear them.

They would usually come out when they need to sun themselves and if you are there that's the opportunity to capture them. I mean capture them in a photo.  Some serious bird watcher would go deep into the forest to seek their interest. I would do the same if I am still young :) The most I would do is to climb the bird watching tower at a nearby pulau.

So you see my bird picture is limited to certain species only, just the common ones but I should point out that they are pictured in different situations and poses like in the first picture below, a female green pigeon is dosing off maybe lulled by the sound of the sea.

Another bird came to share the place or just to be friendly?

Then another bird came perch on the adjacent tree 

Later it flew off leaving the two

Why one flew off?
